TIB & FS, GS Segment Register





TIB & FS, GS Segment Register



TIB (Thread Information Block)



TIB       FS (x86)

              GS (x64)




typedef struct _NT_TIB


    PVOID    ExceptionList;

    PVOID    StackBase;

    PVOID    StackLimit;

    PVOID    SubSystemTib;

    PVOID    FiberData;

    PVOID    ArbitraryUserPointer;

    struct  _NT_TIB *Self;



typedef NT_TIB *PNT_TIB;



is in WinNT.h





Address Index ?


typedef struct _NT_TIB                 x86    x64

{                                      ------------

    PVOID    ExceptionList;            0x000  0x000

    PVOID    StackBase;                0x004  0x008

    PVOID    StackLimit;               0x008  0x010

    PVOID    SubSystemTib;             0x00C  0x018

    PVOID    FiberData;                0x010  0x020

    PVOID    ArbitraryUserPointer;     0x014  0x028

    struct  _NT_TIB *Self;             0x018  0x030






Real Address of TIB ?


fs:[0x018]     :x86

gs:[0x030]     :x64










PTEB NtCurrentTeb()







If you search the winnt.h file using the where command,



\>where \r c:\ winnt.h

typedef struct _NT_TIB {


    PVOID StackBase;

    PVOID StackLimit;

    PVOID SubSystemTib;

#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)

    union {

        PVOID FiberData;

        DWORD Version;



    PVOID FiberData;


    PVOID ArbitraryUserPointer;

    struct _NT_TIB *Self;


typedef NT_TIB *PNT_TIB;













When a thread is created, Windows creates a TIB(Thread Information Block) in the user memory area,


When switching threads, make the GS segment register point to TIB.

(FS in 32bit)


This means that each member of the TIB structure can be accessed by the addressing method of




Even if the segment register is not explicitly specified, CS is used by default in the code segment and

DS is used by default in the data segment.

(In 64-bit, it is different again. Since the register size is 64 bits, there is no need to use the expedient

 method of combining with other registers to specify memory. A 64-bit size is enough to address the

 entire virtual memory space used by the current operating system.)



Among them, the 7th member, the 7th member of the TIB structure, has the address value of the TIB



Therefore, the TIB address value of the current Thread can be obtained from GS:[0x030].


In 32-bit, you can simply access GS:[Offset] using inline assembly.


Inline assembly is not supported in 64-bit.


You can do this by coding a separate assembly source file and then creating an object file and linking



An easier way is to use compiler built-in functions.


The C++ compiler provides built-in functions that correspond to assembly instructions.


The built-in function corresponding to GS:[Offset] is __readgsqword(offset).


Use the function to find the address of the TIB.




C (C++)



unsigned __int64 addressOfTIB;


addressOfTIB = __readgsqword(0x030);      










unsigned __int64 __readgsqword(

   unsigned long Offset




from: < https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/intrinsics/readgsbyte-readgsdword-readgsqword-readgsword?view=msvc-170>







related knowledge


MemoryPage (vertual memory)



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__readgsbyte, __readgsdword, __readgsqword, __readgsword | Microsoft Learn

x64 (amd64) intrinsics list | Microsoft Learn

Compiler intrinsics | Microsoft Learn





System Internals

System Internals (developer edition)





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