(C# Coding) DataSet & XML, Database Programming

C# & .Net Framework 


What to do ?


To save the information as below, create a table with C# code and save it as a file (Xml file). 





 Phone Number























1. Creating Table in Memory and Configuring Fields


Create the table below using C# code and save it as an XML file


field name



in XML File


PK, Auto Increment





Student Name




Phone Number









First, declare the DataSet and DataTable variables.




public partial class Form1 : Form



    DataSet mDataSet = new DataSet ("DataSet");

    DataTable mStudentTable = new DataTable ("Student"); 





Above, the name of the DataSet is "DataSet" and the name of the student table is "Student".


-> is DataSet.Name,  DataTable.Name property value




In the constructor, a DataTable is added to the DataSet and a DataColumn is configured.




public partial class Form1 : Form



   DataSet mDataSet = new DataSet ("DataSet");

   DataTable mStudentTable = new DataTable ("Student");



    public Form1 ()



      // Add DataTable to DataSet

   →    mDataSet.Tables.Add (mStudentTable);                                



       DataColumn column;


       // ID (Attribute)

   →    column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("ID", typeof(int));            

       →    column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;               


       // Name (Attribute, "Student Name")

    →    column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("Name", typeof(string));       

    →    column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;         

    →    column.Caption = "Student Name";                                                


        // HP ("Phone Number")

    →    column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("HP", typeof(string));     

        column.Caption = "Phone Number";                               





When creating a column above, the field to be mapped as an attribute in the XML file and the

.Caption property were also specified.


Just because the .Caption property is specified, when mapping to DataGrid, etc., the .Caption value is

not automatically applied to the column text value of the DataGrid, etc., and it is more meaningful

that the value to be used as the display string for the column is stored in the .Caption property.


Now the table has been created in memory and the columns are configured.


In addition, it specifies more detailed properties required for the required column.

( Also includes specifying the Primary Key field (Column) )




public partial class Form1 : Form



   DataSet mDataSet = new DataSet ("DataSet");

   DataTable mStudentTable = new DataTable ("Student");



    public Form1 ()



      // Add DataTable to DataSet

      mDataSet.Tables.Add (mStudentTable);                                



       DataColumn column;


       // ID (Attribute)

       column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("ID", typeof(int));            

         column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;               


       // Name (Attribute, " Student Name")

       column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("Name", typeof(string));       

       column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;         

       column.Caption = " Student Name";                                                


        // HP ("Phone Number ")

       column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("HP", typeof(string));     

       column.Caption = "Phone Number";         



       // ID  ( AutoNumber, Key field )

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].Unique = true;        

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].ReadOnly = true;    

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AllowDBNull = false;   


      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrement = true;  

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrementSeed = 1 

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrementStep = 1;


       // Name : NN

      mStudentTable.Columns["Name"].AllowDBNull = false;   


       // Specify the Primary Key field (column)

       // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

      mStudentTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[]









Specify the Primary Key field

The method of specifying the Primary Key field is the process of specifying the value of the .PrimaryKey

property of the DataTable as in the code above, and the Type of the PrimaryKey property is an array of



That is, in the case of a multi-key table, you can write the fields to be used as the key in order, and in

the case of a single key, you only need to write one field to be used as the key field. 




Data table structure created using C# code is,


 Field name

 Filed Type


 in XML File


 PK, Auto Increment





 Student Name




 Phone Number












2-1. Connect to Grid, input data and save as XML file



DataGridView is used to input data to a table implemented in memory.




public partial class Form1 : Form



    DataSet mDataSet = new DataSet ("DataSet");

    DataTable mStudentTable = new DataTable ("Student");



    public Form1 ()



        // Add DataTable to DataSet

        mDataSet.Tables.Add (mStudentTable);                                



        DataColumn column;


        // ID (Attribute)

         column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("ID", typeof(int));            

          column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;               


        // Name (Attribute, "Student Name")

          column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("Name", typeof(string));       

        column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;         

        column.Caption = "Student Name";                                                


        // HP ("Phone Number")

          column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("HP", typeof(string));     

        column.Caption = "Phone Number";         



        // ID  ( AutoNumber, Key field )

        mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].Unique = true;        

        mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].ReadOnly = true;    

        mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AllowDBNull = false;   


        mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrement = true;  

        mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrementSeed = 1 

        mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrementStep = 1;


        // Name : NN

        mStudentTable.Columns["Name"].AllowDBNull = false;   



        // Specify the Primary Key field (column)

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

        mStudentTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { mStudentTable.Columns[0] };



        // Connect to DataGridView

         this.dgvStudent.DataSource = mStudentTable.DefaultView;


        // Grid Rows Height +=

        // Using .RowTemplate.Height has the effect of specifying all future Row.Height

        // values.

            this.dgvStudent.RowTemplate.Height += 5;


         // Specify Grid Column Caption

           foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvc in dgvStudent.Columns)


            dgvc.HeaderText = mDataSet.Tables["Student"].Columns[dgvc.Index].Caption;




         // Specify width for each column

         // Check the screen for each column and designate

       dgvStudent.Columns[1].Width += 10;

       dgvStudent.Columns[3].Width += 70;





After connecting to the DataGridView,


Increase the default Row Height of DataGrdView slightly

The height of the Grid Row that is assigned by default is just the right height for the font height,

so increase it a little.

Using .RowTemplate.Height has the effect of specifying all future Row.Height values.


this.dgvStudent.RowTemplate.Height += 5;


( Since the specified value of 5 above is a pixel value, it is necessary to recalculate the DPI. )



Specify Text value of Column Header of DataGridView

Specify the Column Header Text value of the DataGridView using the value specified in the Column

Caption property of the DataTable.

( DataColumn.Caption,  DataGridViewColumn.HeaderText )



Also, adjusted the width of each column appropriately.

Adjust while checking on the screen.



Now, if you run the program, input data, and use the Save as XML file function supported by DataSet,

you can save it as an XML file.


DataTable also provides save and read functions as XML files, so each table can be saved as an XML file.




private void btnSaveToXmlFile_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)


→   mDataSet.WriteXml (@"c:\work\xml database.xml");

    MessageBox.Show ("Done");





Schema can also be saved as follows.




private void btnSaveToXmlFile_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)


→   mDataSet.WriteXml (@"c:\work\xml database.xml", XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);

    MessageBox.Show ("Done");









c:\work\xml database.xml


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>


  <Student ID="1" Name="ABC">



  <Student ID="3" Name="DEF">









If you save the schema together,



c:\work\xml database.xml


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>


  <xs:schema id="DataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">

    <xs:element name="DataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:UseCurrentLocale="true">


        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

          <xs:element name="Student">



                <xs:element name="HP" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="3" />


              <xs:attribute name="ID" msdata:ReadOnly="true" msdata:AutoIncrement="true" msdata:AutoIncrementSeed="1" type="xs:int" use="required" />

              <xs:attribute name="Name" msdata:Caption="Student Name" type="xs:string" use="required" />





      <xs:unique name="Constraint1">

        <xs:selector xpath=".//Student" />

        <xs:field xpath="@ID" />




  <Student ID="1" Name="ABC">



  <Student ID="3" Name="DEF">







<xs:schema >  </xs:schema> is added to the front of the file.





The skills of handling DataSet and saving them as XML files become the basic skills for handling

and storing information in any program.








2-2. Instead of using Grid Control for data entry, you can also do it

   using C# code.



public partial class Form1 : Form



   DataSet mDataSet = new DataSet ("DataSet");

   DataTable mStudentTable = new DataTable ("Student");



   public Form1 ()



      // Add DataTable to DataSet

      mDataSet.Tables.Add (mStudentTable);                                



      DataColumn column;


      // ID (Attribute)

       column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("ID", typeof(int));            

      column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;               


      // Name (Attribute, "Student Name")

      column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("Name", typeof(string));       

      column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;         

      column.Caption = "Student Name";                                                


      // HP ("Phone Number")

      column = mStudentTable.Columns.Add ("HP", typeof(string));     

      column.Caption = "Phone Number";         



      // ID  ( AutoNumber, Key field )

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].Unique = true;        

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].ReadOnly = true;    

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AllowDBNull = false;   


      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrement = true;  

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrementSeed = 1 

      mStudentTable.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrementStep = 1;


      // Name : NN

      mStudentTable.Columns["Name"].AllowDBNull = false;   



      // Specify the Primary Key field (column)

      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

      mStudentTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { mStudentTable.Columns[0] };



      // Add data using C# code

      DataRow nrow = mStudentTable.NewRow();

      nrow["Name"] = "ABC";

      nrow["HP"] = "000-111-2222";












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System Internals (developer edition)





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